African   Histories

The   African   Sickness

1832 Starts the domination in Zanzíbar of sultán of Omán and its descendants until 1963. 

1857 Fundación of Dar es Salaam. 

1857 Burton and Speke begin the expedition to discover the sources 
of the Nile. 

1866 Arrival of David Livingstone to Zanzíbar with the Thulé frigate. 

1873 sultán of Zanzíbar reaches an agreement with the British to
 abolish the slavery and to obtain its protection in return. 

1883 Primera European expedition that obtains arrives at the region
 of the Great Lakes. 

1889 First European ascent to the top of the Kilimanjaro. 

1890 Tanzania, with Burundi and Rwanda, becomes Africa of the German East. 

1890 Aproval by the British parliament of the construction from the
 railroad to Uganda. 

1915 Arrival of the lunático train to Kampala, Uganda. 

1920 Kenya obtains its present name when it happens of British
 protectorate to the status of colony. 

1960 Zaire obtains independence, but it must confront in his first
 serious years problems like the attempt of secession of the rich
 mineral province of Katanga in the north and Kasai in the south. 

1961Tanganika obtains its independence. 

1961 Dar es Salaam is named capital of Tanganika. 

1962 Julius Nyerere becomes the first free president of Tanganika,
 leading a socialist project until 1985, year in which resigns
 recognizing the disastrous economic policy carried out. 

1962Kampala is named capital of Uganda. 

1963 Independence of Kenya call of free selections, gained by
 Kenyatta, leader of the KAU (Kenya Africa Union) from 1947. He was
 prime minister of Kenya until his death in 1978. 

196 Independence of Uganda, followed of a long period of political

196 Independence of Zanzíbar, followed of turned around against the

1964 Tanganika is united with Zanzíbar to form Tanzania. 

1965 Amotinamientos of the army in Zaire, squashed by colonel Joshep
 Mobutu, that takes the power. 

1966 Obote suspends the Ugandan constitution, and dismisses President

1971 Idi Amín takes the power in Uganda, while president Obote is
 outside the country, in a conference from the Commonwealth. 

1972 Idi Amín dissolves the national assembly and expels all the
 Asian population, more than 100,000 people, axis of the commerce and
 the businesses in Uganda. 

1978 Idi Amín, to distract the attention of the internal problems of
 Uganda, soon sends a massive attack against Tanzania, repelled
 easily, that in the end it takes to exile, first in Libya and in
 Saudi Arabia 

1980 Elections in Uganda, won by Obote, but under accusations of
 electoral fraud. 

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